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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


1. God gave man 2 ears and 1 tongue so that we listen twice as much as we speak
2. A man mayb so much of everything that he is nothing of anything
3. PLAN while others are playing.
STUDY while others are sleeping.
DECIDE while others are delaying.
PREPARE while others are daydreaming.
BEGIN while others are procrastinating.
WORK while others are wishing.
SAVE while others are wasting .
LISTEN while others are talking.
SMILE while others are frowning.
COMMEND while others are criticizing.
PERSIST while others are quitting.
4. Men of quality are nt afraid of women for equality
5. Any woman is a volume if knws hw 2 read her
6. Its nt doing the thng we lyk 2 do,bt liking the thng we have 2 do,that makes lyf blessed
7. The truth of a thng is the feel of it,nt the thnk of it
8. Anythng is possible,unless its nt
9. I love u, nt only 4 wat ur,bt 4 wat am wen am with u
10. U can never tell wch way the train went by looking at the tracks
11. To fear love is 2 fear lyf,nd those who fear lyf are already 3 parts dead


1. And so it's Christmas time

But all my dreams have already come true.

I had the best present in my life-

The day when I suddenly met u!
2. With joy in my heart

With love in my soul

I'll spend this Christmas night

£Cause I will share it with Thou!
3. Christmas is coming

So now I keep on wishing...

I just want it forever

You and me are together.
4. Christmas is already coming

This wonderful time is for only u and me,

U voice, my Angel, is soft and charming,

Your smile is pretty, your love is a dream!
5. On this wonderful day

Let me give u my heart

I hope U won't give it away

And we'll share the love on this Christmas night.
6. When u are close, the world is full of beauty

Love and cheer!

Merry Christmas, My Dear,

and Happy New Year!
7. Miles can't separate

The feelings that we've got

For me u are more than a friend

Love is a present that cannot be bought!
8. If there is Santa Claus, I would ask him to bring u this night and to leave u for me forever!
9. My Christmas is complete

If there's a smile on your face

When your life is with happiness gilt

When you're thinking of me, my Princess!
10. Happiness is just as if it is

When you are near

My Angel, I'm eager to tell u one thing:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
11. Let's light together our Christmas tree!

My little Bird, I'll never set u free!


1. Sex is like math: subtract the clothes, add a bed, divide legs and multiply!
2. Women are like kids - they put everything they see in their mouth...
3. Every woman should have a little secret, every man - a very big one.
4. The higher the intellect, the lower the kisses...
5. When I was born I had to make a choice: a big dick or the finest memory. I cannot remember what I chose...
6. Open your lips and close your eyes

Let my tongue do some exercises!
7. The skies are blue, the grass is green

I like your legs and what's between!
8. Do u know what people say behind your back? - Cool ass!
9. Life is like a golf - hole after hole...
10. Alcohol is extremely good for a man, especially when it's drunk by a woman...
11. It's not sex, but the lack of it that corrupts...
12. Haven't you ever thought over why little boys lick off lips and little girls suck fingers!?
13. Erotic dreams caused by your SMS every night are really cool, but I already have no clean underwear...
14. Dear, when I'm dreaming of u, I just can't do anything else, cuz at these moments i don¬t have enough blood to supply my brain...
15. My magical watch says that you don't have any underwear. You still do? Oh, probably it goes too fast.
16. U can taste me with drinking my blood and wounding my nerves...

But u know there is another way to eat me...
17. You are a shameless person, you never share your erotic dreams with me! No excuses! - I know, it's true, I dream the same!
18. Darling, use ur hands only 4 me!

For example: use them to write me a message or just to think about me!
19. I'll screw u softly

O, please, don't worry

If you are busy today,

It will happen tomorrow... :)
20. Masturbation... is not a sin, it's just sex with someone you love...
21. Never make love in a back yard or on a veranda...cuz love may be blind, but your neighbours are not :)
22. I like your style,

make-up and dress...

But most of all

I like your ass!
23. Life is like a condom - you may use it only once!
24. Often children on backseats cause accidents... and accidents on backseats cause children ;)
25. You can hardly imagine

How you inspire me with passion:)


1. I love the way you kiss me

I love the way you smile

I love the way you love me...

You are my Valentine!
2. You taught me how to love

You make me feel like a dove!

My love for u will always stay!

I love u, happy Valentine's Day!
3. I wish you were my Valentine

Though I may not be yours

And I may spend my useless time

On speaking to close doors.
4. I want to tell u something

If u, of course, don't mind...

I'm asking u, I'm asking

Will u be my Valentine?
5. Night and day I think about you

Not knowing what else to do

My heart is only thine

My loving Valentine!
6. I wish you were here with me...

Your kiss, your warmth, your touch...

I wish u'd never flee,

And be my Valentine!
7. I don't need this day

To show my love and care

You know it perfectly, my may,

Such feelings're very rare...

When your eyes and your smile I see

That's Valentine¬s Day for me!
8. My love for u is unrefined,

Believe, my baby, it is true!

Please, sweety, be my Valentine!

My life is vain without u!
9. You are in my heart,

You are in my soul,

You're the only star!

I've never met better before...
10. There is so much I want to say

I want to share with u this day!

As you're my stars, as you're my world!

My life, my sky, my Valentine girl!
11. You're a part of me

We belong together

Heart longs for u as deep as sea...

Oh, be my Valentine forever!
12. Warmer than the warmest sunshine,

Tastier than the finest wine...

I'm fond of your beautiful smile,

Will u be my Valentine?
13. I love u more each minute

I guess I loved your all the time

Believe me, Dear! I really mean it!

I want to be your Valentine!
14. Today is the Valentine's Day

Even birds sing and say

How my heart longs for thine...

I love you, be my Valentine!
15. Let me call u sweetheart

Let me call u mine

Let me hear you whisper:

"Be my Valentine!"
16. On this day, filled with happiness and love,

Oh, guess, what I am dreaming of?

To bring a lot of flowers

To make a lot of gifts

To spend some happy hours

Kissing your precious lips!

Happy Valentine Day! I love you!
17. Do you know, why this world sometimes seems like a fairy tale to me?

Cuz I met you :) Happy Valentine Day, Darling!
18. Dear, I've recently realized that real happiness is to love you and see your pretty smile! Happy Valentine's Day!
19. My special Valentine Girl,

I've got something to tell u:

My love for u is becoming stronger and stronger every day! Happy Valentine's Day!
20. Today is Valentine's Day!

You may celebrate it in your own special way.

But let me admire your smile's shine

Come to my place and be my Valentine!
21. A person like you is a great gift

A friend like you is a great lift

A girl like you is a great desire...

Every day you set my heart on fire...

Please, know, I love u in every single way

Cuz today is Valentine's Day!
22. Today love is in the air

And my heart is full of love

Recalling your name and the shine of your hair,

I've place your name in the heaves above!
23. I'm thinking of u on this wonderful day,

I feel blue, I feel ill cuz you are far away...

I close my eyes and I see u, my dove

Oh, u're more than a girl and this is more than love!
24. Happy Valentine's Day,

Let the sadness fly away!


1. The time we shared will always be in my heart,

Yes, we are saying "goodbye", but we'll always keep in touch...

And remember,

Just because I said "goodbye", it doesn't mean I'm gone forever...
2. The power of "goodbyes"

Brings tears to my eyes

I didn't want it all to end

But it's your wish, I won't object.
3. Goodbye's are not forever,

But it's so hard to say

I thought we'll be together

Alas! We part this day...
4. We've been together for a long time...

I can hardly believe that u are not mine

I begged and cried for u so long,

but nothing helped - we must move on!
5. I didn't think u would leave without a goodbye...

I close my eyes ask my God "why"?

So, u're gone, but u'll always be in my heart,

No matter the distance or how far apart.
6. So as I say goodbye

We are already not in love and never will be

I'm going to a place where I can be free.

Remember you'll always be in my heart

Sorry now we have to part...
7. Too helpless to smile

Too hurt to cry

I think (was it true?)

Of your last goodbye...
8. You made me realize what we had was lie,

But thank u for awesome memories

And I'm sure this is my last goodbye.
9. U had so much love in u

I wish u didn't have to go

Even though I miss u

U are in better arms I know...
10. U hardly let me breath

This is why it's so hard to say

U always have been a princess

But not for me since this day.
11. U said u loved.

U lied.

U said u cared.

U lied.

And I wish u lied that time...

Cuz for the last time u said goodbye.
12. I begged for u to stay a bit

I tried to delay the moment u leave

But u insisted... So, I cede...

Now let another person be deceived!
13. I forgot the times when we embraced,

Forgot the moments we had faced,

Forgot the love that once was true.

But I won't forget happiness brought me by u!
14. I'll try to forget the day u left,

But I'll never forget the day we met...

Please, don't forget our first kiss...

Our minutes and hours, full of bliss...
15. The time I had with you was well spent

Like an angel God sent...

The days spent with u were the most precious time

I'm sorry for this, but it's time t'say goodbye...


1. I want u to know

how I miss u

I want u to know

how I want t'kiss u.

I want u to to know

Plz, believe, it's true!

I want u to know

I love...I love u!
2. You are my Man, you are my King

You are my Sun so hot and bright

You are my Angel, you are my Dream

You are the Star I'm missing this night...
3. For my heart you're the one

And all my thoughts will go to u.

I'm longing for the day you'll come!

I'm missing u and hope u're too...
4. I miss u

I love u

Make my dream come true

Help me not to feel blue...

Cuz all I want is you!
5. I long for you to be here

In my arms where I'll hold u tight,

Safe and sound forever

With all my might.
6. My mind is set on one thing

I hope we'll meet very soon

But now I keep on missing u

My Darling, my Sun, my Moon!
7. I still remember the days,

When there was no rue.

I remember the days,

When the sky was blue,

These were the happiest days

For I was close to u!
8. I wonder where u are

Do u still think of me too?

U've hurt so much my heart...

I'm thinking of nothing, but of u!
9. I miss your lips

I miss your face

I miss YOU, I do miss!

Plz, send me SMS...
10. You were always here with me

You were always here by my side

I wish u'd feel, u'd see

Without u I cannot abide!
11. Love never dies if it's true

but I died when I left u!

I'm sure, u'll be always in my heart!

I'm sure, we shouldn't be apart!
12. How do I miss u?

I cannot count the ways...

How do I miss u?

It's nothing, but a terrible case...
13. I can wait for u

I can keep my love true

Without u I'm growing weaker day by day!

I wish u to come to my place and stay!
14. Love is to share life together

To build special plans just for two.

The Love like ours will last forever

When u're far away, I am missing u!
15. When I think of u a smile appears on my face

U make me feel this way just by being u!
16. In the Light of the Moon I see your lovely face...

Though you are far,

I feel your love and care.

At night while sleeping,

I hear your sweet voice calling me, luring me to you...
17. Even if an hour should go with no saying I miss u, may there never a moment without you knowing that I really do!
18. I miss you in every beat of my heart, in every breath of mine, in every moment of lonely days and nights...

Your absence causes me so much pain...
19. When I'm not with u it makes me sad

I'm missing u, Darling, so bad...
20. For U I would do anything

U are the world for me

And I will give up everything

For U will be here with me...
21. I get this feeling inside me

I wish I could tell u

My Godness, I wish u could see

My heart bleeds withot u!
22. I seem to have found a love as true as rare.

But my love is far aways from me...

It is in your hands....


1. I realized it today I will love you forever
Even if you love me never
I love you I really know,
Because it's so hard to let go.
2. Do u believe in love, lasting forever?
Do u believe in us, always together?
Tell me, tell me please. Look into my eyes.
Do u believe, do u see, I'm not like other guys?
3. You are my Angel that
I'll never be able to live without,
You are the only girl I can think about.
Baby girl I'm so happy that you stayed with me.
You promised to love me forever and that's all I need!
4. I was thinking how to say this to u...
in a poem?in a song?with a gift?
but I guess...
it doesn't have to be like that...
just to say how i feel for u
cuz I know when I say these three words to u
u won't take it lesser in its meaning,
neither will need anything
more to be said to make you understand
what I meant.
So i want o say... baby..I LOVE U
5. If I told you I loved you,
would you be surprised?
For I have lost my heart
somewhere in your eyes...
6. On my own I sometimes feel,
I love you I swear,
My heart can heal,
Y won't u just give me a chance?
7. Whenever I think of you
I'm confused, do I love you?
I guess I do
Is that how you feel too?
8. I miss you
I love you
Make my dream come true
Help me not to feel blue
All I want is you!
9. You were always there for me
Which makes it clear to see
That what I know is true;
baby I'm in love with you!
10. You are in my heart,
You are in my soul,
You are the only star
I've never met better before...
11. Today love is in the air,
And my heart is full of love,
Recalling your name and the shine of your hair,
I've placed your name in the heavens above!
12. Future holds many secrets
But I wish to hold your hand
My heart will never leave you
As my love will never end.
13. Every time I stroke your hair
Every time I see you smile
Every time, you're close, my Fair,
You make me live, you make me fly!
14. Why are u in my head?
I feel, you're a part of my soul...
Both beauty and passion you wed...
My feelings're out of control!
15. You may compare love with the sun,
shining bright
You may compare love with shooting star,
making wishes come true,
You may compare love with the weather,
Changeable and unpredictable...
But there is the one thing I'm sure of:
LOVE is like YOU. Beautiful.
16. One part of me belongs to your heart,
The other one belongs to your soul...
And I myself belong to you!
17. As long as I believe this feeling is true
As long as my heart rests with you
This is love :)
18. Sometimes it feels too good to be true
I thank the Heaven I met you...
19. I crossed many lands
I went so far away
Searching what a real love is
But I'd have better stayed...
the only thing I want to do
Is to spend the rest of life with u!
20. Flowers will die,
The sun will set
But your precious name
I will never forget!
21. I long for you to be here
In my arms where I'll hold you tight
Safe and sound forever
With all my might.
22. Your love is life
Your touch is hope
You bring me beatitude
Teach me to cope.
23. My arms are open for u,
My heart is in love with u,
I promise, I'll never leave u.
If u are gone, I'll be always here waiting for u!
24. The first time we met
you were another man
I could hardly imagine that
You would become more than a friend!
The first time we met
seems so far away,
but my love is here to stay!
25. Love is a great feeling,
Meaning hope and happiness
Meaning embracing and kissing
I want to share it with u, Goddess!
26. Your voice sounds like an angel sings
There nothing sweeter than your smile
I seem to see your snow-white wings
Your intense love makes me fly!
27. Look into your heart. What do u see?
I wonder (I hope), are u thinking of me?
28. You hold my heart
Take it all if u want.
Take my soul and take my mind...
they're so right who says that love's blind...
29. Love never dies if it's true
But I shall die if I leave u!
30. Can u feel my heart beating?
Can u ...
...hear my lips whispering?
Can u see my eyes searching u?
My little dear Angel, I want t'be close to u!
31. A kiss may mean friendship
A kiss may mean goodbye
A kiss may mean nothing
A kiss may mean "I miss u"
But a kiss from me to u
does mean that I love u!
32.If i were 2 tell u how much i love u,i'll fall short of words,if u were 2 listen a lifetime will not just be enough
33. ur beautiful as the moon,ur a golden beauty,o pretty one ur beyond compare helpless 4 my heart has chosen u,heed me,accepte ,say u luv me
35. I cnt txt u roses or fax u ma email u kises bt wed stil b apart,i value ur lv 2 me jst wish u cud c,i care 4 u so much u min da world 2 me may God blz u
36. World is against love,it gets tougher on u when u fall in love
37. love is a season that never passes
38. if u love someone just say it before its too late that the secret of stealing hearts