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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


1. I have one feeling that I really hate:

When I seem to be again late...
2. I can be late, I'm sorry...

But I will come, don't worry!
3. I will be late.

I'VE LOST my head

But u'll forgive me,

Won't u, dear friend?
4. I'm going to be late

And I'm asking u to wait!
5. I wish my day was frozen

as I'm always late

It seems my watch is broken,

But once again, please, wait!
6. I feel myself like a fire horse.

But u know me,

I will be late of course.
7. I'm truly moving fast!

I promise you'll see me at last!
8. I know we have a meeting

This afternoon

I'm almost ready, u'll see me soon!
9. It's not my fault...

I will be late.

My car is broken

I have to wait.
10. I remember about your time

Why do you always forget about mine?
11. I thought

I wouldn't be late.

But I will be, I'm afraid

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